Having a good set of intake questions is very important! This makes all the difference of a lead having a seamless experience between speaking with one of our representatives and then with you.Â

Our LawyerLine representatives are trained to ask intake questions, schedule appointments, and process payments. With this in mind, how can you best utilize the intake process so you have everything you need for your consultation?
Include all of the contact information needed for all parties involved (date of birth, mailing address, etc)
Include all case-related information needed (such as upcoming court dates, any actions filed, etc)
Include all practice area-related information needed. You may have different questions that you want asked to a criminal lead versus family law, etc.Â
Any factors that would cause you to not want a consult scheduled (ex: the injury was ver 5 years ago, the charge is from a specific county, etc)
The above can be utilized even if scheduling a consultation isn’t on your radar. Your client’s intake can be seen as the first date in your relationship – you’re getting to know each other! As with any relationship, it’s important to have good communication and a solid foundation. Having a good intake allows us to assist you in building long-last relationships with your clients.Â
Want to learn more about how LawyerLine an help you optimize your client intake? Call us today at 800-380-3380.